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What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a mineral that is found naturally in all water sources. However the amount may differ from place to place. For Example, water sources of Nepal contains less fluoride content than a recommended level.

Why do we need them?

From various studies, it has been proved that fluoride helps to reduce decay. It also repairs early stages of tooth decay.  We need fluoride to make our teeth healthier and stronger.

How we can get fluoride?

Fluoride is available naturally in water sources. If water contains less amount of fluoride, we can also use fluoride supplements in the form of gel, tablets, rinses etc.

Who can have fluoride application?

Tropical fluoride application at dental clinic will be helpful if you and your family members are at high risk of developing dental caries. If a water sources in your community has less fluoride content, you should have fluoride application.

How complicated is the procedure?

When you schedule for the appointment for professional fluoride application, your dentist apply fluoride and leave for few minutes. And the procedure is finished. The procedure is easy, painless and quick.

What are the precautions that I should take after application of fluoride?

You should not to eat, drink or rinse for 30 minutes.

How often I should have this?

Depending on your oral health condition, fluoride treatments may be recommended every three, six or 12 months.